How to... Relax Yarn

In this matter yarn is a bit like ourselves, to relax it just give it a warm bath! ^^

Preparing the Yarn

First we need to prepare the yarn so that it doesn't get tangled.

Relaxing yarn 1

1. Get your frogged yarn.

2. Bend your arm at the elbow, grab one end of the yarn and wrap it behind your arm.

3. Continue to wrap the yarn under the arm, through the front and up again on top of the hand.

4. Wrap all your yarn around the arm and hand.

5. Gently take the yarn from your arm and tie it in two points opposite to each other using a yarn of a contrasting colour. 

Relaxing the Yarn

Relax yarn

Fill a basin or sink with warm water and place the yarn inside completely covered with water. Let it soak for at least 20 minutes.

Take the yarn out and let the water seep above the basin. Using a towel gently squeeze the yarn to take the excess water. Don't twist or wring the yarn.

Relaxing yarn 1

Hang the yarn around the neck of a hanger and let it dry in the shade.

Relaxing yarn 2

After it is thoroughly dried, the yarn is ready for your next project! =D