BuddyRumi Amigurumi Crochet Patterns

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Off the Hook: Edgar the Amigurumi Elephant

This is Edgar! He is the third member of this succulent loving amigurumi family along with Ollie, the otter, and Yorick, the skull!

Edgar is just a baby elephant but he loves succulents and cacti so much that he carries them around searching for the perfect spot to put them in!

This was the second attempt to make Edgar. At first I wanted to make him with a crochet thread, a smaller hook and in a way different colour but as I kept going I found I wasn’t completely happy with how he was coming out. In the end I had to put him aside for a while to come back later.

After completing Ollie I decided to come back to Edgar but with a totally different approach. I decided to give him a more realistic, but cutified, look instead of the stylised slick ceramic pot look I was going for before. I’m so happy I did that! I think he looks way cuter and adorable! I love him to bits! ^^

He’s so cute! Every time I look at him he makes me smile and I want to hold him tight! ^^

The crochet amigurumi pattern for Edgar will be included in the second volume of Gardening with Crochet!

Pint it for later!

Update! The pattern for Edgar is ready, click the image below to get it!

If you can’t wait to make your own amigurumi cactus you can get the first volume of Gardening with Crochet bellow:

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